TL;DR: Jesus Christ, Poetry, Rock n Roll.

My life is forfeit to Christ, and I’m happy about that. I am a “born low” human being, capable of good and evil. I try and allow that fact to humble me, and using that term, “born low”, reminds me that all that I do artistically, whether on this publication or in life, is to steward love and serve my savior. However, don’t think I’m gonna be shoving a complex gospel message down your throats here. I’m here to just talk! Tuesdays, I share poetry. Fridays, I share personal essays. Does God come up? Yep. Music? Uh-huh. Occasional video game reference? You got it. It’s all here, on Born Low. All are welcome :)

About Me

My name is Michael, but my friends call me Mikey (yes, you’re a friend of mine now!) Born October 2001 (scorpio if you’re into that stuff) saved by Jesus, musician, and aspiring writer. My favorite video game is the 2002 remake of Resident Evil, my favorite anime is FLCL, I drink tea (and Monster to keep the inner emo kid fed), I’m craving sushi and I wish I had a pet cat. Oh yeah, here are my bands by the way!

Dragon Fruit


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I aim to post about twice weekly, and posts can vary. Sometimes I might have a rant to post about my deep introspections, or maybe just talk about some music I really love. Whatever it may be, I’d love to have you along for the ride.

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I'm saved by Christ, I make rock music, and I write poetry.